Derkwoo Electronics


Online website where you can file a complaint

We will check it thoroughly and improve it actively.

Report type

An act of receiving a compensation from interested parties
- Money, treat and hospitality, convenience offer, borrowing, debt redemption, indemnification, cash loan, assurance for the future
Involve in the unfair share to trading partners
- Accepting stock and investment, public investment and taking joint property
A lack of the transparency of selection of the subcontractors
- Grant of unfair opportunity, unfair transaction, Leakage of the subcontractor’s information
Improper use of company’s property
- Separate use of materiality and immateriality property, embezzle the public money
Manipulation of document/coefficient and false report
- Accounting fraud, fabrication of the information
Adjustment of grievance counseling
- Work or personal adjustment of grievance, unfair treatment
The others
- Neglect of duty, negligence of management, arrogation, and injury to dignity
Go ethics hotline ※ We receive a report of irregularity / corruption.

Protection of the informer

When it comes to the informer, we will never disclose his or her status and any information which can be available to imply without that person’s permission, and we will take all responsibilities against any disadvantages came from not following it.

Report process

In case the informer reports it to the name of his or her and request the result feedback explicitly, we are willing to provide the feedback except for that if it infringe on our company’s just right and interest.

Reception of the report

Mail Acceptance : Ethics Office, DERKWOO ELELCTRONICS(inc.) #185-26, Cheomdangieop-Ro, Sandong-Myeon, Gumi-City, Gyung-Buk, Korea
Report Phone : 054)474-9661~4
E-mail :
home > Sustainability > Report to Us